Social Work Events Understanding and Supporting Children with Harmful Sexual Behaviour (MRC)

This event is part of the Making Research Count (York) programme which aims to promote communication and knowledge sharing between academics and social work and social care professionals.

This event will consider;

  • Understanding and responding to inappropriate sexual behaviour by children and young people

  • Supporting those who parent children displaying this behaviour, particularly foster parents and carers


Tracy Almond, University of York

Tracy is an Associate Lecturer on the Think Ahead programme. She has been a practising social worker since 1997, specialising in the criminal justice field. She has worked in the probation service, youth offending teams and, latterly, with the NSPCC and Lucy Faithfull Foundation sexual abuse organisation, occupying practitioner, educator/consultancy and manager roles.

Tracy is registered with the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) and a member of the Institute for the Recovery of Childhood Trauma (IRCT) and National Association for the Treatment of Abusers (NOTA).

How to book

Kirklees MBC and City of York Council are subscribing members of MRC.  All other local authorities can purchase individual places at events.

Before booking please check with your Line Manager/Workforce Development team to ensure that your application follows any local policy and procedures that are in place. This may include completion of a Learning Agreement for any funded CPD activity.

Once approval has been granted please complete the attached booking form and return to the MRC.

13th June 19 Event Booking Form

Venue details
York Pavilion Hotel
Main Street
YO10 4PJ