Social Work Events Impact of the Cost of Living Crisis on Working with Families and Children

Yorkshire Urban and Rural Teaching Partnership LogoUniversity of Huddersfield Logo


This lunchtime learning seminar brought to you by Yorkshire and Rural Teaching Partnership and University of Huddersfield promotes communication and knowledge sharing between academics and multi-agency professionals.

The event is open to the Teaching Partnership Local Authorities and Partner organisations who work with or support Children and Families.  This includes Health, Education and Police.  Please share this event with colleagues you feel would benefit from this event.

This event will explore the research evidence on why the cost of living crisis is likely to increase pressures within families and therefore demands upon services. Such services are, however, themselves under increasing strain in the aftermath of Covid and as a result of a decade of austerity.  The presentation will identify possibilities for policy and practice responses that are poverty-aware and contribute towards supporting children and families in very challenging circumstances.


Brid Featherstone, University of Huddersfield – Brid Featherstone is a Professor of Social Work at the University of Huddersfield.  She has a long standing interest in social care, social work and the engagement of men and has researched this area in a variety of settings.  She is currently working with Research in Practice on updating their research and practice tools on engaging men.

How to book

Before booking please check with your Line Manager/Workforce Development team to ensure that your application follows any local policy and procedures.  This is a free seminar for partnership local authorities

Delivery Method

This session will be delivered virtually via Zoom.  Participants who have booked will be sent the event link during the week before the session.

Venue details
Zoom Virtual Event